Opinion | NCSOFT should remaster Aion and fix the bugs

NCSoft has failed to make Aion a truly great MMORPG game, but I strongly believe that they can improve it and bring it back to its golden days.

Panos Sakalakis
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I know, I know, NCSoft has other games that they need to worry about, including the beautiful yet boring Throne and Liberty, which we stopped playing within a month after its launch. Yet again, Aion has been on our scope for over a decade now, and it seems that it’s one of the best MMORPGs, but the company is constantly killing it.

If there’s a game where NCSoft just won’t listen to its fans, that would be Aion. I won’t even be talking about Aion Live, which is such a bad example of how a game can change. The company was only able to gain lots of players back into Aion once they released Aion Classic, which also seems to have failed miserably, with most of its towns now emptier than ever before.

I’ve tried multiple times to rejoin the game, with the hope that it may have improved, but everything is almost as we left it. There are still bugs that you won’t believe your eyes, those who existed since the release of the game, those that made us think why on hell we were paying monthly for a game that has so many bugs. Just to remind you, just as you’re running near a cliff, your player may unexpectedly get thrown into nothingness, dying in such a stupid way that you’re wondering if it’s even worth it going back.


The game has seen its ups and downs a few times during its lifetime, and I still believe is one of the greatest MMORPG games that ever created, alongside Lineage and World of Warcraft. Unfortunately, after years and years of playing the game and even paying for it, we’ve never seen NCSoft actually caring about what their players were asking them to change or improve.

Neither I nor Nora got too excited with Throne and Liberty, although a great game with stunning special effects and beautiful graphics and maps, so we decided to go back to Aion Classic and see if there were still active players. Thankfully, there were a few, but only on the highest-level places, with the lower-level maps being completely empty.

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