Opinion | Game Developers should focus more on Photo Mode

Exploring in-game vast worlds and finding the best spots for cool shots is my new favorite hobby.

Panos Sakalakis
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The Photo Mode settings in Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered.

Of all the options and features a game can have, Photo Mode is by far my favorite one. It’s that thing that developers will spend a bit of time creating, and the one that players will invest hours upon hours trying to take the best shots.

It all started back in 2011 when I was playing Trackmania: Canyon. The game featured a tool called “Media Tracker“, and it wasn’t just a photo mode tool, it was a whole kit that letter players take high-quality images and edit them, or even create cinematic and even whole movies if they wanted to.

It was the first time that I’d seen such an option inside a game, and I spent countless hours trying to take the best shots, create and edit my own videos, and even go as far as creating my own maps just to make them even more unique. If there’s anything to be said, I spent more time taking in-game shots than competing with other players – and it was both a creative and productive way for me to relax and simultaneously create something truly my own.

Throne and Liberty - Character Posing with the Moon in the background at Night
An in-game picture that I took using Throne and Liberty’s photo mode.

Since then, I’ve never really spent that much time taking pictures for a game – and then I saw a similar – yet way more simple – feature in Throne and Liberty, and that was the moment that I knew I wanted to start creating wallpapers and provide them for everyone who loves a specific game. And so I did, starting with Throne and Liberty’s 4K Ultrawide wallpapers that I have already uploaded for our readers – and I’m ready to start taking even more from other games too.

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Web Developer, Blogger & Podcaster. By day, I’m a freelance web wizard (or I’d like to think so), crafting digital experiences that are cooler than the other side of your pillow. By night, I'm sleeping.
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