If there’s anything worth discussing for the future of gaming in 2025 and beyond, that should be Valve, the company behind Steam. First, they created SteamOS, their own operating system based on Linux that can run almost any Windows-based game. Secondly, they introduced Steam Deck. Now they have even more plans for the future.
It wouldn’t surprise me if Microsoft, the king of desktop gaming, would lose in the gaming desktop battle to another company. Nowadays there are great alternatives, and most of them are based on Linux, but nothing made the little penguin as popular to the gaming community as Valve.
SteamOS is currently their main operating system, and thanks to “Steam Play” (also known as ‘Proton’), Linux users can now play almost any game found on Steam, including the latest AAA titles. That has never been done in the past in Linux, and the process surely wasn’t a “1-click to install” kind of situation.
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