5 Things I wish Techland will add in Dying Light: The Beast

The hype for the upcoming release is getting bigger and bigger by the minute.

Panos Sakalakis
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I’ve been sweatily and desperately waiting for the upcoming release of Dying Light: The Best. For the past decade, I’ve been a big fan of the video game series, and I’ve played both games for many hours, and I just can’t wait to play for many more when the upcoming title comes out.

Spending so much time in both games means that you have lots of experience with how they work, their gameplay, and what needs to be done. It also means that you’ve reached the full level, replayed the whole game using the Game+ mode, upgraded all your skills, and basically discovered the whole map.

When you let a game become a part of your life for so many years, there are things you’ll wish to see in the upcoming title. For me, those 5 things are the ones that hunting my mind, and the ones that I am wondering if I actually end up seeing.

1. Kyle Crane meets Aiden

Dying Light: The Beast - Kyle Crane
Kyle Crane in Dying Light: The Beast. | © Techland

I’m sweating just thinking about it. Think what a truly awesome moment that would be? Kyle and Aiden are together, for the first time, meeting each other. I wonder how they react, would they fight or instantly become friends? Who knows right? Thousands if not millions of possibilities are still to be discovered.

I also wonder if it would be possible to switch between the two characters, but I think I just went too far and asked too much. Or was I? For the campaign at least, that would be pretty cool – and it kinda reminds me of how you can quickly switch players in Grand Theft Auto V (GTA 5).

2. Better AI for enemies and NPCs

Dying Light - The Beast - New Fire Weapon
5 Things I wish Techland will add in Dying Light: The Beast 45

When it comes to fighting enemies, I want them to either be smarter and harder to beat than the previous games, or even each have their own fighting skills (some easier and some harder to kill). I’d also like to see an improvement in how zombies react, how they see or listen to you, and new stealthy tactics.

The same, of course, goes for the NPCs and how they interact with you. I feel it would make the game a whole lot more immersive if it had NPCs that feel more “real”. Adding extra details to them, having them have their own stories, maybe giving you side quests, or even only being there at specific moments, the possibilities are endless.

3. A larger open world (with a huge forest)

Dying Light - The Beast Kyle Crane with a crossbow
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Techland should absolutely make Dying Light: The Beast bigger than the previous games, and especially include a huge forest filled with zombies and other enemies. Maybe the forest can have its own spots with places that Krane can use for his survival, including to rest/sleep.

Dying Light - The Beast Forest at Night
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The scene with the forest that we saw in the official trailer was so good, that it made me hope for a true horror experience in the night walking and running inside it. It looks absolutely terrifying to find yourself in that forest when it’s the middle of the night – which is exactly what we want to do.

4. An improved Co-Op gameplay

Dying Light - The Beast - Longbow
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If there’s anything negative to be said about Dying Light, that would be its Co-Op mode, which is basically a very, very buggy experience. Not that they haven’t improved it, but it could be so much better in so many ways.

For example, if you’re already a player, then you’ve probably already faced the lag and connectivity issues, glitches and bugs, and the matchmaking that can sometimes pair players with teammates who are not at a similar skill level, resulting in an unbalanced and less enjoyable experience.

Dying Light - The Beast Kyle Crane with a Pistol
Kyle Crane holding a pistol and walking through ankle-high waters.

I’d love to see an improved Co-Op mode with fewer bugs, better stability, faster loading times, and with lots of features that the community has been asking for and wanting for years (all of which are already available on the Community Ideas page on the Pilgrim Outpost).

5. Vehicle Customization and Crafting System

Dying Light - The Beast - Driving a Car in First-Person
5 Things I wish Techland will add in Dying Light: The Beast 49

If there’s anything that I loved in Dying Light: The Following was the car. In the official trailer for Dying Light: The Best, we’ve seen that we can drive cars, and Techland made sure to also introduce a first-person driving experience after the player feedback.

Being able to upgrade the car, change its color, add stickers, make it more robust, or even choose between speed or heavier armor.

A robust crafting system that allows players to create and upgrade their own weapons and gear would be the coolest thing ever! Having the option to craft our own gear and maybe even customize it accordingly would be great, and that would help to make players less similar to each other.

What are some of the things that you’d like to see Techland implement in Dying Light: The Beast? Is the upcoming release on your wishlist? Let me know in the comments down below.

If you haven’t already, here’s the official announcement trailer for Dying Light: The Beast:

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Web Developer, Blogger & Podcaster. By day, I’m a freelance web wizard (or I’d like to think so), crafting digital experiences that are cooler than the other side of your pillow. By night, I'm sleeping.
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